Severity: Warning
Message: mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/1129): Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
Filename: mysqli/mysqli_driver.php
Line Number: 203
File: /var/www/html/SandTigerSite/application/controllers/Home.php
Line: 9
Function: __construct
File: /var/www/html/SandTigerSite/public/index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Dispatching is made easier with the SandTiger system. Once a load is accepted by a driver the system auto updates the sales stages of the load with geofences that are fully customizable.
SandTiger has the ablity to load third party load sheets into the system.
Settlements can be setup to pay by Truck, Owner, and Driver. The system will roll over any negative balance to the next week.
Deductions can be setup to spread out over weeks, months, or by a one time fee. Continuous deductions can also be setup in the system.
Invoicing can itemize all loads on one invoice, or one load per invoice. Custom invoice templates can be added to the system.
The Load Summary screen allows our customers to view Analytics about all loads in the system. With data that can be broken down from years to days, management can increase profits while saving time.
SandTiger uses GPS data to track loads from start to finish. The system uses this data, along with geofences, to auto update sale stages, and track load and unload times, demurrage, distance traveled, and load duration.
SandTiger uses an API to integrate the system with Fleetmatics, Zubie, Geoforce, KeepTruckin, WexTel and other GPS companies. With the API we have the ability to integrate with other monitoring systems such as fuel tanks, oil tanks, and silo levels, any system that has the software available.
The Activity Overview Screen allows the whole operation to be viewed on one screen. All trucks and drivers are shown as in rotation, sleep, or off work. Active locations are displayed, along with the trucks that are dispatched to that location. The trucks are color coded based on the different sales stages; the system auto updates the sale stages based on geofences around the locations. The rotation screen shows dispatchers everything they need to know, helping to increase loads.
Metrix reports graphically review loads completed for daily and monthly totals. The information can be displayed by loads, trucks, wells, and sand sites.
The Truck Overview screen shows the status of all the trucks in operation and in repair, keeps a history of all the repairs on each truck along with the ability to schedule preventive truck maintenance.
SandTiger's mobile app is fully integrated with the core system. The app gives drivers the ability to scan in tickets and bols; view load information; look at directions from the source to the destination; and, enter load information into the system. Background GPS tracking can be turned on in the app allowing customers to take advantage of asset tracking, geofences, and the automation of sales stages on dispatched loads.
The well summary shows detailed well information by day or month. The data displayed contains sand type, number of loads, total weight delivered, and the number of loads delivered for each date.
The Truck Summary shows truck numbers and the number of loads completed each day.
P.O. Box 60628
Midland, TX 79711